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GMG Interview Series-Carol Wazlavek

Carol Wazlavek shared her musical journey with Anna Armstrong and Utako Tanigawa. Carol grew up in Atlanta and lived in an industrial area where she had only her siblings to play with. She comes from a musical family and was greatly influenced by her brother who played the French horn. Early on Carol played the piano, violin, and took ballet lessons. Eventually, she knew piano was the right choice for her. Carol actually traveled to different places to pursue her study of music. She did achieve her piano performance degree from UGA. As Carol continued her musical study, she had some unique twists and turns in her career and work life. Carol has so many aspects of her life to share, that you must listen to her interview to get “the rest of the story”.

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Actually, I earned my B.of Music in piano performance at GSU - right in the heart of downtown Atlanta, which in itself was an interesting experience!

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