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Utako Tanigawa

Virtual Musicale 4/30 + Announcements

We had six participants on 4/30. Nancy played Beethoven sonata #15 2nd movement musically and thoughtfully. When Utako explained how difficult to learn Chopin Etude Op. 25 No.11, Richard advised to use Cortot's Chopin Etude book and also listened to Josh Wrigh's website lesson. It was a very helpful advice.

Carol explained about video recording and its software briefly. She will provide a short training session at the next virtual musicale on Thursday, 5/7 from 11 am to noon. She will show you how to upload your music to YouTube. Sam will provide a session how to apply to Online Recital. You can sign up for this session at the Members page -> sign up Virtual Musicale. Please sign up before 5/6 so that we can send you an invitation with Zoom ID and password.

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Utako Tanigawa
03 may 2020

Dear Carol, Thanks for the screen shots. Looks good!

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I had a screenshot from last Thursday's virtual Musicale - from left to right, me- Carol Wazlavek, Utako, Richard Bishop (who is speaking), Nancy Dunn, James Baskerville, and somewhere in frame is Gail Starr! And of course, now I'm discovering I can't publish a photo here - I published it on another page on this website: GMG Communications..Musicales.

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