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Virtual Master Class on Friday, 7/31 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Utako Tanigawa

Program: We chose popular three music, probably you played, you are learning, or you plan to learn...

Franz Schubert, Impromptu Op.90 No.3 by Anna Armstrong Frederic Chopin,  Fantasie-Impromptu Op.66 by Utako Tanigawa Robert Schumann, Theme and finale of the Abegg Variations - Finale by Julie Woodall

The instructor is Dr. Joe Chapman, professor at University of North Georgia and GMG Advisory Committee Member.

Dr. Joe Chapman is an active concert pianist who has performed hundreds of solo recitals for arts associations, colleges, schools, and churches throughout the state of Georgia. Recently, he has presented an eight-concert tour entitled An Evening with Gershwin, performed Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto with the North Georgia Symphony, and played a solo recital of the music of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms. He holds degrees in piano performance from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and the University of South Carolina.  Dr. Chapman is the interim department head and senior music faculty member at the University of North Georgia, having joined the faculty in 1983. He is the founder and director of the university’s ever-popular All American Piano Celebration, which is now in its thirtieth year. Dr. Chapman serves as director of the Dawson Community Chorale, where he has conducted performances of numerous major works, including Handel’s Messiah, Vivaldi’s Gloria and the Schubert Mass in G Major in collaboration with the University of North Georgia Orchestra. In addition to his responsibilities at UNG, he has served the music profession in a number of capacities, including a term as president of the Georgia Music Teachers Association.

Please sign up at -> 'Virtual Musicales sign up' button

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!

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1 Comment

Utako Tanigawa
Jul 30, 2020

Dear GMG Members, the masterclass tomorrow will be rescheduled in 2 weeks due to Dr. Chapman's emergency situation. We will have a regular musicale tomorrow from 11 a.m. to noon. Thanks

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