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GMG admirative office wishes to express its sincere appreciation to the following individuals and corporations whose generosity has made it possible for our wide range of activities.

2023 Patrons

Platinum Patrons

Triple Platinum (>$3,000)

Mr. Steven Bennett 

Dr. Edwin Ewing

Dr. Utako Tanigawa 


Double Platinum (>$2,000)

Ms. Julie Woodall

Ms. Carol Wazlavek


Platinum (>$1,000)

Dr. Toshi Kii


Gold Patrons (>$500)

Mr. Rob Busey

Ms. Kimber Kwiatkowski

Ms. Pamela Martin

Mr. Thomas Slavicek

Ms. Laurie Searle

Mr. Sam Smith

Mr. Greg Thomason

Wesleyan College


Silver Patrons (>250)

Mr. Fuling Chiang

Dr. Joan Anderson Gray

Ms. Karen Bunn

Mr. Paul Cossman

Ms. Judy Manganiello

Ms. Ann Almond Pope

Ms. Shoko Tanaka

Ms. Cathy Thacker

Mr. Michael Weitze

Mr. Jeffry Zaputil

Mr. Paul Zampol


Bronze Patrons (>$100)

Mr. James Baskerville

Mr. Michael Brounoff

Dr. Yan Zon Ding

Hawk Academy

Ms. Julie Harbin

Ms. Susan Katz

Ms. Arlene Martinides

Ms. Chigusa Morimoto

Dr. Heejin Park

Ms. Sharon Pierre-Hendrix

Ms. Annette Russo

Drs. Lyna & Rich Sieber

Dr. YoonSook Song

Ms. Gail Starr

Mr. Asa J. Willimans

Mrs. & Mr. Blaine and Rond Wyche








Support Us
Membership, Patronage, and More

Donation Methods

Check:  send a check payable to

"Georgia Musicale Group" or "GMG" to:

Julie Woodall, GMG Treasurer

226 Oak Creek Drive

Dawsonville, GA  30534


PayPal:  click the PayPal Donation "Donate" button below

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
"Donate " button is used for any payment to GMG such as admission fee

The Georgia Musicale Group is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

All donations are tax deductible


Listener Basic Membership:

$30 individual

$50 family


Online Only Members:



Performance Members:

Bronze: $100

Silver: $250



Gold: $500

Gold Plus: $750



Platinum: $1,000

Double Platinum: $2,000

Triple Platinum: $3,000

2022 Patrons

Platinum Patrons

Mr. Steven Bennett 

Dr. Utako Tanigawa 

Ms. Julie Woodall

Ms. Carol Wazlavek

Dr. Edwin Ewing

Dr. Toshi Kii


Gold Patrons

Ms. Pamela Martin

Mr. Thomas Slavicek

Ms. Kimber Kwiatkowski


Silver Patrons

Dr. Joan Anderson Gray

Ms. Anna Armstrong

Mr. James Baskerville

Ms. Karen Bunn

Mr. Paul Cossman

Ms. Nancy Dunn

Dr. Dawn D. Hawk

Ms. Judy Manganiello

Ms. Laurie Searle 

Mr.  Sam Smith 

Ms. Shoko Tanaka

Ms. Cathy Thacker

Mr. Asa J. Willimans

Mr. Michael Weitze

Mr. Jeffry Zaputil

Mr. Paul Zampol


Bronze Patrons

Mr. Michael Brounoff

The Brett Family

Mr. Rob Busey

Mr. Fuling Chiang

Ms. Mary Marshall Dekkers

Ms. Julie Harbin

Ms. Kristi Helfen

Ms. Virginia Mann

Ms. Arlene Martinides

Ms. Ann Almond Pope

Ms. Annette Russo

Ms. Cathy Rockoff

Ms. Gail Starr

Mr. Sean Sutherland







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