Georgia Musicale Group, Inc.
Enjoy Music Together!

Comments in 2021
What is the most attractive feature in GMG for you?
Meeting with friends and playing piano for them and being inspired by the. Hearing professionals teach at master classes.
Getting inspired to learn new pieces after hearing them from others.
The most attractive feature about this group is “anyone can play! “ This open and friendly concept encouraged me to restart my piano life. Also this group is full of warm and kind people who always be appreciative audience. Without this warm atmosphere, I have never been encouraged to play in front of people after long years of break.
the most attractive feature of GMG has always been the opportunity to play for other people in person.
The opportunity and ability to play:- in person, at so many places, such as Pianoworks, home musicales, study groups; at concerts, that GMG organizes all around Atlanta.
The other great thing is meeting other musical people who enjoy performing, and making good friends with some of them.
I enjoy the musicales and concerts.
Its leadership, which makes everything else good about it possible.
The most attractive feature is the welcoming attitude of all the members. Since my primary goal is overcoming nervousness at performing in front of others, a welcoming atmosphere is so important. In the same vein, I have really enjoyed getting to know everyone and sharing views on our pieces and on performing in general.
I find the most attractive and satisfying thing about GMG is the diversity, but with a solid unifying thread of the music appreciation. When I say diversity, that is not just race. It comes across within the music choices and the variances of GMG not being solely piano (piano is closest to my heart though).
The most attractive aspect of GMG is the warm fellowship. I have never known a venue where I felt more warmth, encouragement, and musical guidance. I hav never had so much fun.
The opportunity for live performance for a small appreciative and supportive audience.
Being able to share Music, the people.
Getting to hear new pieces by accomplished players. That it is online most of the time, as I am too busy to drive around.
For me there are two most attractive features: performance opportunities and learning opportunities.
I’ve been able to meet such a large variety of multi-talented people! I’m so grateful that Utako invited me to join. I’ve gained much more than just a performance venue. I’ve gained a whole wealth of knowledge and inspiration from these great members!
I agree with all of this - I especially like the online meetings, especially when the topic has something to do with in-depth analysis, music history, etc. I’m not interested in competition so I’m less interested in hearing about those experiences. Also not interested in underlying solicitations.
Hearing such varied music and admiring the talents of so many gifted people
Keeping up with the group!
We so appreciate your devotion to our wonderful organization.
You have given me one of the most enjoyable venues of social interaction of my life. You are so consistent stent and comprehensive in your management that there are no suggestions I can think of that could possibly improve our musicales. It is a pleasure to see so many positive comments! This is truly a wonderful organization.
I agree with all of this - I especially like the online meetings, especially when the topic has something to do with in-depth analysis, music history, etc.
It is a pleasure to see so many positive comments! This is truly a wonderful organization.
The opportunity to play piano (and overcome my nervousness/apprehension) in front of a supportive but experienced group of piano enthusiasts. The chance to hear wonderful music played by talented fellow enthusiasts (for example, becoming reacquainted with the Spanish Dances of Enrique Granados) and hear different interpretations of the same piece.
I was living and working in the Atlanta area for over a year. It begins with a chance when I went to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra for the very first time there and then a volunteer told me about GMG. I joined the GMG membership immediately.
Since then, I have been enjoying those wonderful concerts and meeting members there. It was such a great experience for me and definitely a sweet part of my life in Georgia. I would like to thank you and GMG for everything. It's such a wonderful group.
by Mr. Song Zhou
Thank you for arranging and performing that wonderful concert. You girls were spectacular!
People were raving about how nice it was to hear that type of music in such a relaxed and sometimes humorous atmosphere. You put such a lovely twist on everything.
Don't think we'll have any problem packing them in the next show. I will prepare a post press release when I return to town. Let me know what you think about April or May…
Ginny Greenwood, Executive Director, Bowen Center for the Arts
Julie, please convey to Abbie and Utako as well my deep appreciation for last evening's musical treat. It was an exceptional pleasure to have such a rich trove of well-performed music right there, in real time, in such an intimate space.​
I loved hearing the fruits of your labor, knowing just a little of the many hours of concentrated practice it took each of you to be able to present such dazzling music. It is truly gratifying to know such as you, avocational musicians, are at work in the world, working on your gifts largely for the pleasure and gratification that work gives you.
By Jackie
Thank you for arranging today's events. We thoroughly enjoyed it. We truly enjoyed learning about the harpsichord and especially the prepared piano. This was something with which we had no previous experience. Your efforts to expose us to all things musical is truly appreciated.
By Arthur and Joann
"I have been a member of the Georgia Musicale Group since September 2015. My first experience was attending and performing at the home of Arlene Martinides with three or four other members. I remember playing (very nervously!) “Traumerei” by Robert Schumann. It was far from perfect but I did get through it. I also remember listening to beautiful performances by the other attendees. I was enthralled and hooked!....."
Read more by Abbie Hattauer
"Participating in the Musicale is a good experience. It gives us the opportunity to practice performing a piece of music and then asking for feedback. This is a great way to improve the outcome of a final formal performance."
By Karen
Your Musicale was a complete delight! You are doing a great service for the teaching community--a lot of work. Congratulations!
By Esther
Thank you very much for having us in your music group. What a brilliant idea to have such an organization! It is always such a nice treat to watch and listen to people of various ages play wonderful music. We hope to see you again soon.
By Secil