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Utako Tanigawa

Liesl - "My Memory" by Abbie

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

My Memory One of the last times I heard Liesl play the piano was at PianoWorks in Duluth a few years ago.  She played a beautiful arrangement of “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” with her exquisitely soft expression and grace.  I was so moved that I vowed to learn to play it. Coincidentally, Judy Manganiello had given me a lovely two-page arrangement and I set about learning it. This morning as I sat down to the piano for the first time since learning of Liesl’s death, I played it in her memory and to honor her.  She was a remarkable musician and an amazing person who lived her life with grace and great love which she shared with us all.  She bore her illness with that same grace and strength inspiring us all to be grateful and thankful for each day.  I will remember her sparkly eyes, her wide smile and her enthusiastic thumbs-up! May she rest in peace. Love, Abbie 

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Abbie Hattauer
Abbie Hattauer

Thank you, Utako for posting my comment here. Just an update -- I continue to play "my" simplified arrangement of "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" every morning as I sit down to practice. It is a way for me to say a prayer for Liesl and all who are suffering at this time.

Love to all, Abbie


Julie Woodall
Julie Woodall

A beautiful memory of a lovely person by a lovely person

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