My mother's real passion was in the interplay of words and music. As you may recall from my video presentation she had a deep love of poetry and was inspired by a wide range of writers; these include Alfred Lord Tennyson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Sara Teasdale, Carl Sandburg, Denise Levertov, Millicent Spalding Eiffler, Kenneth Rexroth, Rabindranath Tagore, Maxine Kumin, Don Colburn, Lancy Iglehart and Ronald Wallace among others. The songs range from one voice and piano, or voice and various combinations of instruments and/percussion and even koto! If you are interested in seeing the listing of songs let me know. I have catalogued everything at this point so the information is readily in hand. Much of this music was never published but received many stellar performances. I have performance ready copies of everything and am working to make sure I have cd's of performances. I will gladly share these works for a nominal price.
There are also a number of sacred and secular choral works which I can elaborate on in the future.