I was updating a Zoom cheat sheet I had done for somebody (?), I thought I'd post it here just for further information if anyone is still struggling with the audio settings. I think what I've discovered is that my settings somehow get changed from time to time, maybe associated with updates from Zoom?
Zoom Cheat Sheet - asof 6/15/2020
Shut down all other apps and notifications
On smart device -
When beginning a meeting:
* select settings ( the 3 dots )- bottom RH corner
* select “Enable Original Sound” - Turn ON original Sound
For a desktop computer-
Computer should be as close to router as possible - direct connect with ethernet cable is best
When beginning a meeting:
* select “use computer audio”
* in top LH corner
- this is a toggle - Turn ON original Sound
- there is an arrow here where you can choose your microphone
To adjust audio settings:
in lower LH corner, there is an icon of a microphone
(you’ll see it when you mouse over the area)
* this is where you can mute or unmute your microphone (Shortcut:press and hold SPACE key to temporarily mute/unmute yourself)
* there is an arrow for additional audio settings
- make your selections for your microphone (sound input) and your speaker (sound output)
- you can also test your microphone and speaker from here
- for adjustments for higher quality sound, select “Audio settings”
< under microphone , uncheck “Automatically adjust microphone volume”
< select “Advanced”
- check the box “Show in-meeting option to “Enable Original Sound” from microphone
under “Audio Processing”
- Disable” Suppress Persistent Background Noise”
- Disable “Suppress Intermittent Background Noise”
- “Echo Cancellation” - either Auto or Aggressive seems to work depending on your individual setup
Your selections are automatically saved, but it’s a good idea to re-check them for each new meeting, and especially after updates have taken place.
Carol, Thanks for restating the steps and tips in the Zoom setting. The sound quality is definitely affected by the setting.